  • USA, Denver
  • Born in:1996
  • Assistant since:2018
  • Driving licence:Car
  • Personal car:personal car available
  • Passport:yes
  • Languages:English, Spanish

Photo Assistant


Architecture, Reportage, Prod. Assistant, Landscape

Know How:

I have extensive experience working within the Nikon and Adobe ecosystems. I have experience working with Profoto strobes and a variety of continuous lighting systems. I have worked on projects varying from small scale architecture to international

adventure films.

My attitude to adversity and working hard to achieve creative vision has been honed by years of on-location experience in technically challenging environments. I strive to work tirelessly to produce work that exceed client expectations.

References as assistant / Career

I started taking photos as a photography intern for the Colorado College Office of Communications under the guidance of Jennifer Coombes. This work had a strong photojournalism and editorial focus. Since then, I have worked with a variety of commercial photographers and filmmakers including Peter Grill, Ben Sturgelewski, and Roo Smith. My personal work focuses heavily on outdoor adventure and action sports.

My specialty is with on-location projects that require a high level of technical ability or rigorous planning.

I am currently based in Fort Collins, CO.

Peter Grill, Photo Assistant, 1-5 jobs
Ben Sturgelewski, production assistant, 1-5 jobs
Amy Doherty, Photo Assistant, more than 5 jobs
Jennifer Coombes, Photo Intern, 6-12 months


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