- USA, Los Angeles
- Born in:1992
- Assistant since:2014
- Driving licence:Car
- Personal car:personal car available
- Passport:yes
- Languages:English
- Telephone: 3105646443
- www.BrackenProductions.com
- evan@brackenproductions.com
Digital Tech
Evan Bracken
People, Portrait, Architecture, Fashion, Beauty, Prod. Assistant, Stillife, Food, Landscape, Transportation, International Exp.
Know How:
Do you need an AWESOME DigiTech for your next shoot!?
Well look no further!
My name is Evan Bracken and I want to help you out!
Some skills on set that put me above the rest:
I make a sturdy and extremely mobile lighting stand while holding a light.
With an action packed kung-fu grip, I make sure nothing falls yet can be gentle as a butterfly.
I become the best reflector when I wear white and the perfect sized flag in black.
I can set up and break down strobes at the speed of light.
I am absolutely terrible at being late and smelling bad.
I know Lightroom and Photoshop CC like the back of my hand.
I am really good with Capture
One and most other tethering software.
I am amazing when it comes to handling cannons, but better with a Canon.
I am really bad at making puns, but I will still try.
I also know how to use Nikons, Hassleblads, PhaseOnes, and anything else you have.
I never like to look at my phone on set but always quick to respond off set.
I can fan models with reflectors if they are hot.
I know Profoto, Broncolor, Speedotron, and most any lighting setup.
If there is a problem, I want to be the one to solve it!
I am the best at being there when you need me, but better at getting out of the way.
I remember where everything goes.
And I sweep up too.
References as assistant / Career
I graduated from the Rochester Institute of Technology in 2014 as an Advertisement Photographer specializing in architecture. From there I moved to Southern California where I started assassinating as many photographers that I could. From Architecture to Studio based sets, I have been a Digital Tech, Production Assistant, Grip, and an Assistant. I am one man that can play many parts.
Lawrence Anderson, Photo Assistant, more than 1 year
Meghan O'Brien, Photo Assistant, more than 1 year
Catherine Asanov, Photo Assistant, more than 1 year